LEGO® Brick-Based Therapy Workshops

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Join Play Included® on stand B1 for interactive LEGO® brick-based therapy workshops using the Brick-by-Brick® programme, Play at Home and Building Friendships.

Workshops will be running for parents and professionals on Friday at 11.15am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm and on Saturday at 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Places are offered on a first come, first served basis.

Play Included© provide LEGO® brick-based therapy training, the Brick-by-Brick® programme, for education and healthcare professionals to learn how to facilitate Brick Clubs with young people. They have expert trainers across the UK and worldwide who provide training and support to allow facilitators to deliver this programme confidently (and most importantly, playfully!). Through collaborative LEGO play, children have fun, make friends, and develop their communication skills, confidence, and social and emotional wellbeing. Over time Play Included researchers find that children develop a sense of community and belonging through their shared interest in building LEGO models with the aid of an expert facilitator.

Play Included® are proudly partnered with The LEGO Foundation, trusted to deliver accredited professional training in LEGO® brick-based therapy. Play Included is the only training provider officially endorsed by The LEGO Foundation. Play Included have worked closely with The LEGO Foundation to develop their comprehensive training and development programme, along with neurodivergent consultants and playful facilitation experts from the University of Cambridge. Founder and director Dr Gina Gomez de la Cuesta developed and researched the methodology, after bringing LEGO® based therapy to the UK. In the same year she co-wrote the “LEGO®-based therapy manual: How to build social competence through LEGO®-based Clubs for children with autism and related conditions” with Dr Dan LeGoff, who originated the idea in the US. Play Included continues to be at the forefront of research and innovation in this area. Play Included also create helpful resources for families and work together with their global network of education and healthcare professionals to support as many children as they can around the world.

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